Finding love at Uni

‘I met my partner at university, he sat next to me in lecture’ .

Let’s face it, we all want this right?

Who doesn’t dream of finding the perfect life partner at university and spending the next 3 years in absolute bliss?

As much as we wish life could be this easy, it’s always safer to have a realistic outlook, after all life isn’t a fairy tale or a movie. We are not saying stop searching. What we are trying to say is don’t start thinking that the guy/girl you met at that awesome house party is mr/mrs right.


Well we are here to advice you on how you can avoid heartbreak whilst at uni. Here are the top tips on relationships at uni:

Moving too fast?

1. If things seem to be moving pretty fast…they probably are. University is the kind of place where people will have 4 to 5 ‘serious’ relationships all in the space of one semester. Get to know each other, even just as friends. You would be surprised, there is so much more to that cute smile. Peer pressure?

2. Do not feel peer pressured into doing anything you don’t want to. There is no rush. Just because all your friends are hooking up with people at parties doesn’t mean you have to. It’s okay to wait.

Still single?

3. Hey, don’t stress. If no one takes your fancy then don’t worry about it. Okay, so your mum and dad met during their first year of university and you wanted the same. Maybe you will find you life partner during your first day of your new job. The new job that you spent 3 years getting a degree on.
That leads us to our next very important point.

Stay focused

4. Don’t let relationships be your main focus. You came to university for a reason. Focus on your education and who knows maybe he/she might be in the library during those late night study sessions.

Friend zoned?

5. So you have been trying and trying for months. But you still cant get yourself out of that friend zone. Relax maybe now just isn’t the time. Maybe one day they will realize you have been the right one all along, just like in the movies. Well, maybe not just like that.


6. Don’t worry we all have those days. Approaching people at university is a far more different than at high-school. Our advice would be try approaching them at a social event when you are with your friends, start up a group conversation. Trust us it is much easier when you have friends by your side. Who knows they may like you and this group chat could turn into a one on one.

Didn’t call?

7. We have all been there. Waiting and waiting for that text or call and checking if your phone still works. Our advice would be to text first. Put your pride down and send that ‘hello: )’ text, who knows maybe they have been waiting for you to text first. But always be aware, sometimes the ‘I will call you’ might have just been the alcohol talking, after all, these uni raves can get a little crazy. Don’t be disheartened though, maybe if they had met you on a good day it could have turned into something.

We hope this helped. If you need more information about relationships in general check out our favorite articles:

Don’t forget to check out our new vlog ‘Christians on relationships’ coming soon!

One thought on “Finding love at Uni

  1. Daniele says:

    I know a few people who have thought university is somewhere to find love and find ‘lifelong friends’ that they have became completely unfocused on their course and spent 3 years of their life scraping through the course, missing lectures because of hangovers and really not bothered about their degree.
    I’d definitely agree with staying focused. But also don’t worry, it’s no rush, mr/mrs right will turn up and the right time!

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